Ratio Analysis and its Formula

Ratio Analysis


Ratio Analysis and its Formula

A ratio analysis is a mathematical analysis  of financial statement of the company. Ratio analysis is based on balance sheet  and profit and loss account statement.  Ratio analysis is used to evaluate various aspects of a company’s operating and  financial performance such as its efficiency,  profitability ,liquidity etc. These relationships between the financial statement accounts help investors, creditors, and internal company management understand how well a business is performing and areas of needing improvement.

Ratios are also compared  for different year of the same company or  different companies in the same sector to see how they perform during the period up, and to get an idea of comparative analysis.

Ratio analysis can broadly divided between

  1. Profitability ratio
  2. Liquidity ratio
  3. Balance sheet ratio

Following are the main Ratio , their formula and what the ratio Indicate

Type of ratio Formula What Indicate
Profitability Ratios( Income statement Ratio)
1 Gross Profit Ratio Gross Profit/Net Sales Gross Profit Generated By
each dollar of Sales
2 Operating Profit ratio Operating Profit/Net Sales Operating  Profit Generated By
each dollar of Sales
3 Net Profit Margin (Return on Sales) Net Income/
Net Sales
Net Profit Generated By
each dollar of Sales
4 Return on Investment Ratio Net Profit After Interest  And Taxes/ Shareholders Funds or Investments Income earned on Investment
5 Return on Capital Employed
Net Profit after Taxes/ Gross Capital Employed Return On Capital Invested
6 Dividend Pay Out Ratio Dividend Per Equity Share/Earning Per Equity Share Dividend Received
7 Earning Per Equity Share Net Profit after Tax & Preference Dividend / No. of Equity Share Earning Per Share
8 Dividend Yield Ratio Dividend Per Share/ Market Value Per Share Yield of Dividend Comparative to Market Price
9 Price Earnings Ratio Market Price Per Share Equity Share/ Earning Per Share company’s share price to its per-share earnings
10 Du Pont Return on Assets (Net Income /Sales)   x (Sales/Assets)   x (Assets/Equity) Indicate how the company generates its return
Liquidity Ratios 
11 Working Capital Current Assets- Current Liabilities Indicate Working Capital of the company
12 Current Ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities Indicate firm’s ability to pay off its liabilities with its Current Assets
13 Quick Ratio Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities Indicate firm’s ability to pay off its liabilities with its with quick Cash Assets
14 Acid Test or Quick Ratio Cash + Marketable Securities + Accounts Receivable/
Current Liabilities
Indicate firm’s ability to pay off its liabilities with its with quick Cash Assets
15 Cash Ratio Cash Equivalents + Marketable Securities/Current Liabilities Cash balance of the company comparative to its current Liability
Balance sheet ratio
16 Inventory Ratio Net Sales / Inventory How many time Company’s inventory is sold
17 Total Debts to Assets Total Liabilities /
Total Assets
Proportion of there company’s Assets finance by the debt
18 Debtors Turnover Ratio Total Sales /  Account Receivables Indicate the number of times average debtors are turned over during a year
19 Debt Collection Ratio Receivables  x Months or days in a year / Net Credit Sales for the year Indicate approximate amount of time that it takes for company to receive its receivable
20 Creditors Turnover Ratio Net Credit Purchases / Average Accounts Payable How Effectively Company pay its supplier
21 Average Payment Period Average Trade Creditors / Net Credit Purchases X 100 Indicate approximate amount of time that it taken by company to pay its Supplier
22 Working Capital Turnover Ratio Net Sales / Working Capital Indicate Company’s effectiveness in Using its Working Capital
23 Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio Cost of goods Sold / Total Fixed Assets Indicate Company’s effectiveness in using its Fixed assets to generate revenue
24 Capitalization Ratio Long-Term Debt  /  Long-Term Debt + Owners’ Equity Indicate debt component of a company’s capital structure
25 Capital Turnover Ratio Cost of Sales / Capital Employed Indicate Company’s effectiveness in using its Capital to generate revenue
26 Debt Equity Ratio Total Long Term Debts / Shareholders Fund Indicate relationship between the capital contributed by creditors and the capital contributed by shareholders
27 Proprietary Ratio Shareholders Fund/ Total Assets Indicate proportion of shareholders’ equity to total assets
28 Capital Gearing ratio Equity Share Capital / Fixed Interest Bearing Funds Indicate the Financial Leverage
29 Debt Service Ratio Net profit Before Interest & Taxes / Fixed Interest Charges availability of Cash to serving its Debt Charges





Views : 2670

Career option for Commerce student


Commerce stream is always an evergreen stream  to study and for making a career .In the today’s world of globalization and  with the positive changing scenario around the world’s economy the importance of the commerce stream increasing. The main subjects of commerce stream are Account,Finance,Business and economics.

International commerce includes careers in management, trade, finance, law and logistics. Prospective candidates should have experience with import and export compliance, auditing, financing, taxation, and legal recourse.

Various Carrier Option


The basic duty of Accountant is to prepares asset, liability, and capital account entries by compiling and analyzing account information. He prepare the Documents financial transactions by entering account information and Recommends financial actions by analyzing accounting options.

Cost Accountant

The Main Task of cost Accountant is to Construct data accumulation systems for a cost accounting system and create and review the controls needed for data accumulation and reporting systems. He review standard and actual costs for inaccuracies. Perform cost accumulation tasks as a member of the target costing group

Commerce Manager

Main Duty of commerce manager is create company objectives and implement strategies in order to maximize profits and gain global market share. He should update policies accordingly and may be responsible for securing the appropriate government approvals and licenses. For this position in most of the company, you should have Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree

Finance Specialist

This is the another option for Commerce stream student. finance professionals create models to evaluate business opportunities and assist in creating global operating plans. He should implement and oversee budgets as well as review business proposals, including mergers and acquisitions. For this position in most of the company, you should have Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree

Compliance Attorney

Compliance Attorney will follow trade legislation and help assess regulatory risk. Attorneys work closely with compliance departments and provide legal support and expertise on international audits and regulations Employers require candidates to have a Juries Doctor (J.D.)


Views : 606

How to Prepare CMA data for loan


CMA data required for bank loan or working capital loan or for seeking CC limit. But the question is that what is CMA data and How to prepare it? Why bank or financial institute required CMA data? so here is your answer

First of all let us understand what is CMA Data

CMA is short form of Credit Monitoring Arrangement data.CMA data report presented to bank to Show your past, prasent and future Financial position.

CMA covers 7 statement which are as follow

1 Existing and Proposed Funds Limit

In this statement one must show present fund and non fund based credit limit .of the borrower ,their usage limit and history. Which means you should show current financial condition, borrowed fund and proposed fund are covered. In the case , business is new, there is no past records so you need to give proposed data.

2 Operating statement:

In this Second statement one should  required to show past 2 years and future 3  to 5 years ( Proposed) operating statements. You should show Profit before and after Tax and  projection of Sales ,Expenses and profit  for 3 to 5 year as per requirement.

3 Analysis of Balance sheet

In this  third statement one should  required to show past years and future  years projection Data of Balance Sheet. In this statement you should give detailed analysis of Current Assets ,Non current Assets, Fixed Assets ,Cash and Bank Position ,Current liability ,Non Current Liability etc.

4 Comparative statements of current assets and liabilities:

In this  fourth statement you need to show comparative analysis of Current Assets and Current liability . This statement is for working Capital Cycle  for the project period  and capacity of the borrower to meet the future working capital requirement

5 Calculation of MPBF:

MPBF means maximum permissible bank finance. In this calculation you should show the capacity of the borrower to borrow the money, This Calculation is done by two method

1 In the first method lending will allowed  the MPBF 75% of net working Capital GAP

2 In the Second  method lending will allowed  the MPBF 75% of Current Assets less Current Liability

6Fund flow statements:

In this statement you required to give details of the fund flow for current and future projected period. This statement show borrower fund position with the  reference of the working capital analysis given in the MPBF. It shows the Funds Movement of the borrower.

7 Ratio analysis:

This statement is long and important statement of CMA data. It gives Key ratio to the banker and  Based on CMA data prepared  and submitted to the bank . Generally this covers GP ratio ,NP ratio ,Current Raton, DP limit Net worth ,Quick Ratio, turnover ratios,  Debt equity ratios, DSCR etc.

Views : 840

Five steps to get Success



Five steps to get Success

For getting success you need to raise your standards and avoid being a useless slob. The best way to get success is to force yourself to become conscious of your standards, and then to redefine them. There are many useless slob in this world so don’t be one of them. To become successful you need to raise your slandered

Check out following ways to get shiny side of your life

1 Raise your slandered

You need to write down your current standards. Always think about it and and make best try to achieve it once you achieve those slandered .Make a slightly higher standard and fee these process continued

2 Increase your confidence by taking action.

Successful people are more confident   because success is just as dependent on confidence as it is on competence. Do not feel rejected if you do not have desired result instead of it you need to keep trying and do hard work and have confidence. Ultimately you will get success

3 Increase your skill

Always try to lean new and innovative things. Always get updated. A research shows that successful people excel in both cognitive ability and social skills

4 Come out of your Comfort Zone

Remember one thing that real magic is done out of your comfortzone.Those people can’t go outside because they are scared it’s not safe ,its not rewarding etc.But continually doing uncomfortable work  is a critical component of sucess.We know that It’s hard to change your ways or live life differently but I have already said that real magic is done out of your comfort zone

5 Make challenges as opportunity

Understand that failure is not dead end but always keep hoping and trying. Remember that there is always one door open when rest of door are closed. Always try to come out with  creative solutions in you problem





Views : 474

Few Microsoft Excel Shortcut

Hi every one,

Microsoft excel is very helpful tool for any work. In today’s competitive e world you must be faster and you must know the shortcut keys to operate excel faster and successfully.

Following are Few Excel shortcut that will be helpful in your day to day life

Shortcut Details
F2 To edit and select the cell
F3 After a Name has been created, F3 will Paste the  names.
F4 To repeat last action.
F5 Go to a specific cell. For example, D7.
F7 To spell check selected text or document.
F11 To create the chart  for selected Data
Ctrl + Shift + ; To enter the current time.
Ctrl + ; To enter the current date.
Alt + Shift + F1 To insert the new worksheet
Alt + Enter To move the  next line while typing the data in the cell, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.
Ctrl + 1 To open the Format Cells window.
Ctrl + A To select all contents of the worksheet.
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection content
Ctrl + I To Italic highlighted selection Content.
Ctrl + K To insert the link
Ctrl + S To Save the open worksheet.
Ctrl + U To underline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + P To bring up the print dialog box to begin the printing process.
Ctrl + Z Undo last action.
Ctrl + F6 To switch between open workbooks or windows.
Ctrl + Page up Move between work sheets in the same document.
Ctrl + Page down Move between work sheets in the same document.
Ctrl + Tab Move between Two or more open Excel files.
Alt + = To create a formula to sum all of the above cells.
Ctrl + ‘ To insert the value of the above cell into the cell currently selected.
Ctrl + Shift + 1 To format number in comma format.
Ctrl + Shift + 4 To format number in currency format.
Ctrl + Shift + 3 To format number in date format.
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Format number in percentage format.
Ctrl + Shift + 6 Format number in scientific format.
Ctrl + Shift + 2 Format number in time format.
Ctrl + Arrow key Move to next section of text.
Ctrl + Space To selece the entire column
Shift + Space To selece the entire Raw
Ctrl + – To delete the selected column or row.
Ctrl + Shift + = To insert a new column or row.
Ctrl + Home To move to cell A1.

Views : 1698