Ratio Analysis and its Formula

Ratio Analysis


Ratio Analysis and its Formula

A ratio analysis is a mathematical analysis  of financial statement of the company. Ratio analysis is based on balance sheet  and profit and loss account statement.  Ratio analysis is used to evaluate various aspects of a company’s operating and  financial performance such as its efficiency,  profitability ,liquidity etc. These relationships between the financial statement accounts help investors, creditors, and internal company management understand how well a business is performing and areas of needing improvement.

Ratios are also compared  for different year of the same company or  different companies in the same sector to see how they perform during the period up, and to get an idea of comparative analysis.

Ratio analysis can broadly divided between

  1. Profitability ratio
  2. Liquidity ratio
  3. Balance sheet ratio

Following are the main Ratio , their formula and what the ratio Indicate

Type of ratio Formula What Indicate
Profitability Ratios( Income statement Ratio)
1 Gross Profit Ratio Gross Profit/Net Sales Gross Profit Generated By
each dollar of Sales
2 Operating Profit ratio Operating Profit/Net Sales Operating  Profit Generated By
each dollar of Sales
3 Net Profit Margin (Return on Sales) Net Income/
Net Sales
Net Profit Generated By
each dollar of Sales
4 Return on Investment Ratio Net Profit After Interest  And Taxes/ Shareholders Funds or Investments Income earned on Investment
5 Return on Capital Employed
Net Profit after Taxes/ Gross Capital Employed Return On Capital Invested
6 Dividend Pay Out Ratio Dividend Per Equity Share/Earning Per Equity Share Dividend Received
7 Earning Per Equity Share Net Profit after Tax & Preference Dividend / No. of Equity Share Earning Per Share
8 Dividend Yield Ratio Dividend Per Share/ Market Value Per Share Yield of Dividend Comparative to Market Price
9 Price Earnings Ratio Market Price Per Share Equity Share/ Earning Per Share company’s share price to its per-share earnings
10 Du Pont Return on Assets (Net Income /Sales)   x (Sales/Assets)   x (Assets/Equity) Indicate how the company generates its return
Liquidity Ratios 
11 Working Capital Current Assets- Current Liabilities Indicate Working Capital of the company
12 Current Ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities Indicate firm’s ability to pay off its liabilities with its Current Assets
13 Quick Ratio Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities Indicate firm’s ability to pay off its liabilities with its with quick Cash Assets
14 Acid Test or Quick Ratio Cash + Marketable Securities + Accounts Receivable/
Current Liabilities
Indicate firm’s ability to pay off its liabilities with its with quick Cash Assets
15 Cash Ratio Cash Equivalents + Marketable Securities/Current Liabilities Cash balance of the company comparative to its current Liability
Balance sheet ratio
16 Inventory Ratio Net Sales / Inventory How many time Company’s inventory is sold
17 Total Debts to Assets Total Liabilities /
Total Assets
Proportion of there company’s Assets finance by the debt
18 Debtors Turnover Ratio Total Sales /  Account Receivables Indicate the number of times average debtors are turned over during a year
19 Debt Collection Ratio Receivables  x Months or days in a year / Net Credit Sales for the year Indicate approximate amount of time that it takes for company to receive its receivable
20 Creditors Turnover Ratio Net Credit Purchases / Average Accounts Payable How Effectively Company pay its supplier
21 Average Payment Period Average Trade Creditors / Net Credit Purchases X 100 Indicate approximate amount of time that it taken by company to pay its Supplier
22 Working Capital Turnover Ratio Net Sales / Working Capital Indicate Company’s effectiveness in Using its Working Capital
23 Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio Cost of goods Sold / Total Fixed Assets Indicate Company’s effectiveness in using its Fixed assets to generate revenue
24 Capitalization Ratio Long-Term Debt  /  Long-Term Debt + Owners’ Equity Indicate debt component of a company’s capital structure
25 Capital Turnover Ratio Cost of Sales / Capital Employed Indicate Company’s effectiveness in using its Capital to generate revenue
26 Debt Equity Ratio Total Long Term Debts / Shareholders Fund Indicate relationship between the capital contributed by creditors and the capital contributed by shareholders
27 Proprietary Ratio Shareholders Fund/ Total Assets Indicate proportion of shareholders’ equity to total assets
28 Capital Gearing ratio Equity Share Capital / Fixed Interest Bearing Funds Indicate the Financial Leverage
29 Debt Service Ratio Net profit Before Interest & Taxes / Fixed Interest Charges availability of Cash to serving its Debt Charges





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