Attached are pictures that show all required information for the question. Please refrain from partially answering and please also label which part of the question you are answering, so that I may follow along with your solution. Thank you!


Additional Info:

Question Continued:

Data Table/Beg. Inventory Numbers:

Part 1:

Part 1 Word Options for Fill in the Blank:

Part 2:

Part 2 Word Options for Fill in the Blank:

Part 3:

Part 3 Word Options for Fill in the Blank:

All the fill in the blanks are the left sides of the question parts. Thanks!


Your simple outputs formula helps explain this relationship:

Particular Amount in$
Opeaning 0
Add : Cost of Purchase 524000
Less : Cost of ending invetory -80000
Total 444000

CAlculation for the cost of goods manufacure

Particular Amount in$
Beginig WIP
Raw material Used 444000
Other Manu.cost 551000
Other Manu.cost 234000
Other Manu.cost 1515000
Closing WIP -200000


3 Calculation of the cost of goods sold

Particular Amount in$
Cost of Beginog finished inventory
Cost of goods manufactured 2544000
Cost of ending finished inventory -218000
Cost of Goods sold 2326000

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