bout where problems may be

Date Time Line Underfilled Missing Item Spill/ Mixed Unacceptable Taste Improperly Sealed Total Defect
5/12 0900 1 ÖÖ Ö ÖÖÖ 6
5/12 1330 2 ÖÖ Ö ÖÖ 5
5/13 1000 2 Ö ÖÖÖ 4
5/13 1345 1 ÖÖ ÖÖ 4
5/13 1530 2 ÖÖ ÖÖÖ Ö 6
5/14 0830 1 ÖÖÖ ÖÖÖ 6
5/14 1100 2 Ö Ö ÖÖ 4
5/14 1400 1 Ö Ö 2
5/15 1030 1 ÖÖÖ ÖÖÖÖÖ 8
Total Defect 3 10 10 13 9 45

Overall, 45 defects were found, 13 of which were classified as unacceptable taste, making this the most frequent problem. The next most frequent was missing item with 10 occurrences, and then spill/mixed, with 10 occurrences.

Looking more closely at these three categories, we can see that 11 of the 13 unacceptable taste were accounted for by Line #1 in the morning, and the remainder were Line #2, also in the morning. Line #1 exhibited a similar morning problem: all 8 occurrences were in the morning. Line #2 had all 2 of its occurrences in the afternoon. 4 of 10 occurrences of spill/mixed defects occurred in the afternoon.

In the improper seal category, 8 out of 9 occurrences were for Line #2.

In the terms of recommendations, Ann should focus on investigating what might be causing taste problems in the morning on both lines, morning problems on Line #1 for missing items and afternoon problems for Line #2 for missing items. Spill/mixed has afternoon problems on both lines, and there are seal problems on Line #2 throughout the day.

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