Amount in $ Amount in $
Sales 87890
Avoidable Expenses
Cost of goods sold 63500
Direct expenses 11750
Indirect expenses 560
Service department costs 11800
Total Expenses 87610
Income 280

To make a decision whether the guitar division should be eliminated or not, unavoidable expenses should not be taken into account as these expenses will be incurred whether the division is eliminate or not.

So, these expenses are sunk cost for making the decision to eliminate the division or not.

From the above calculation we could see that that it can avoid $ 87610 expenses if it eliminates the electric guitar division. But, eliminating it will cause to lose $ 280 of income

So it should not eliminate the devision


Rory Company

Calculation of Incremental Income
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Ne Machine Cost 118500
Sale of Old Machine -78000
Net Cashflow on Purchase of Machine 40500
Saving in Variable cost 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500
Incremental Inlow/ Out flow 40500 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500

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