Gainesville Corporation’s income statement revealed sales of $700,000; gross profit of $300,000; selling and administrative costs of $140,000; and income taxes of $45,000. The selling and administrative expenses included $10,000 for depreciation. The company’s operating activities generated positive cash flow of $129,000. Use the “indirect” approach to demonstrate how this amount was calculated. The following additional information is available:
Beginning-of-Period Balance End-of-Period Balance
Account receivable $70,000 $82,000
Inventory 50,000 41,000
Accounts payable 37,000 44,000
Particular Amount in $
Gross Profit 300000
selling & admin, expenses 140000
income taxes 45000
net income 115000
Cash Flow Using Indirect Method
Particular Amount in $
Net Income 115000
depreciation 10,000
increase in A/R -12000
decrease in inventory 9000
increase in A/P 7000
positive cash flow from operating activities 129,000
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