pension fund:

thirft institution

credit union

insurance company

commercial bank

A-this institution was originally developed to encourage savings by and to make loans to individuals  not business

B-provides protection against financial distress to a beneficiary in a case a spouse or family member dies prematuraly

c-by virtue of investing the saved funds ot its investor into a large number of different securities it is able to realize both economies of scale and risk diversication for its investor

d-was originally created to provide loans and deposit services to business customers and it continues to be the primary source of business loans

e- this form of financials  intermediary is usally administered but the trust  deparments of commercial  banks or by life insurance companies

this institution is organized  as a not for profit business eneterprise that exhibits a mutual ownership structure



thirft institution A : this institution was originally developed to
encourage savings by and to make loans to individuals  not business
insurance company B-provides protection against financial distress to a beneficiary in a case a spouse or family member dies prematuraly
credit union c-by virtue of investing the saved funds ot its investor into a large number of different securities it is able to realize both economies of scale and risk diversication for its investor
commercial bank d-was originally created to provide loans and deposit services to business customers and it continues to be the primary source of business loans
pension fund: e- this form of financials  intermediary is usally administered but the trust  deparments of commercial  banks or by life insurance companies


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