A retail shopping center is purchased for $2.1 million. During the next four years, the property appreciates at 4 percent per year. At the time of purchase, the property is financed with a 75 percent loan-to-value ratio for 30 years at 8 percent (annual) with monthly amortization.


A retail shopping center is purchased for $2.1 million. During the next four years, the property appreciates at 4 percent per year.  At the time of purchase, the property is financed with a 75 percent loan-to-value ratio for 30 years at 8 percent (annual) with monthly amortization.   At the end of year 4, the property is sold with 8 percent selling expenses.  What is the before-tax equity reversion?



Item Amount
Loan amount = 0.75 x (2,100,000) $1,575,000
Monthly payments 11,556.79
Remaining mtg. balance 1,515,450
Selling price [2,100,000 x (1.04)4] 2,456,703
less: Selling expenses (at 8% of SP) 196,536
Net selling price 2,260,167
less: Unpaid mtg. balance 1,515,450
Before-tax equity reversion $  744,717
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