Avalon Inc., buys equipment costing $150,000 in 2004 and sells it in 2007. Avalon deducts $94,000 in depreciation on the equipment before the sale. What is the character of the gain or loss on the sale of the equipment if the selling price is


Avalon Inc., buys equipment costing $150,000 in 2004 and sells it in 2007.  Avalon deducts $94,000 in depreciation on the equipment before the sale.  What is the character of the gain or loss on the sale of the equipment if the selling price is

  1. $90,000?
  2.      $155,000?


  3. $ 40000?
  1. $90,000?


Avalon realizes a $34,000 gain on the sale.  The entire gain is recaptured as ordinary income:


Amount realized                                                   $  90,000

Adjusted basis ($150,000 – $94,000)              (56,000)

Gain on sale                                                         $  34,000

Section 1245 – Ordinary income                              34,000

Section 1231 gain                                       $    -0-        


  1. $155,000?


Avalon realizes a $99,000 gain on the sale.  The $94,000 of depreciation is recaptured as ordinary income, leaving a $5,000 Section 1231 gain:


Amount realized                                                   $155,000

Adjusted basis ($150,000 – $94,000)              (56,000)

Gain on sale                                                         $  99,000

Section 1245 – Ordinary income                              94,000

Section 1231 gain                                       $    5,000


  1. $40,000?


Avalon realizes a $16,000 loss on the sale.  The $16,000 loss is a Section 1231 loss — depreciation recapture applies only to gains:


Amount realized                                                   $  40,000

Adjusted basis ($150,000 – $94,000)              (56,000)

Loss on sale                                                         $ (16,000)

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