Building a Coalition-1 Identify and summarize the stages of group development. There are five stages to this development. First, we have the forming stage whereas a deal of uncertainty exists about the group’s purpose, structure and leadership involvement. Also this determines types of behavior that is acceptable during this stage. Then there is the storming stage where intragroup conflict plays a role and it resist the constraints it imposes on the individuality (organi


Building a Coalition-1 Identify and summarize the stages of group development. There are five stages to
this development. First, we have the forming stage whereas a deal of uncertainty exists
about the group’s purpose, structure and leadership involvement. Also this determines
types of behavior that is acceptable during this stage. Then there is the storming stage
where intragroup conflict plays a role and it resist the constraints it imposes on the
individuality (organization behavior, pg. 276).
Once this stage is clear a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership is formed within the
group. Afterwards, the Norming stage appears whereas, close relationship are developed
and cohesiveness are demonstrated within the group. Now group identity and
camaraderie becomes stronger to task or goals. In this stage, a common set of
expectations solidifies structure and behavior models. Finally, we have the performing
stage whereas, group is fully functional and in acceptance of each other working towards
the task at hand. Also there’s a adjourning stage where things are wrapped up, activities
are completed and group prepares to disassemble (organization behavior, pg. 310).
After reading the Woodson case study, the stage that they seem to be in is the storming stage because intra group conflict is occurring. Here it seems that teachers are
not able to bond with these students. There is a large turnover rate within the teachers and
other teachers are quitting. I believe that the Woodson foundation should have realized
that they were going into a more diverse setting. The area in Washington DC, where
Woodson attempted to improve was very demographically diverse (organization behavior,
pg. 629). Building a Coalition-3 They should have defined the groups and classified them before assembling them
into small groups. First, by forming stage of the groups, a making classroom assessment
would surely help them assess the situation better. Learning the distinctiveness, status
surely using the uncertainty reduction models would also assist them. This would have
given the burnout teachers a better insight of what they were up against in the beginning
(organization behavior, pg. 274).
The key problems that Woodson foundation faced were student truancy, low
performance off of the students and lots of criminal activity. The organization should
have understood they needed several teams to be in place to assist student learning. First,
Woodson organization should have had several teams in place, problem-solving team to
assess the situation (organization behavior, pg. 285).
Then let the team come back with their results on how improve the quality of
students in the district. Implement a more effective efficient plan for assisting the teachers
with dealing diversity students. How to do deal with the present in environment they had to work in. Next, a cross – functional team that would distribute information strategies for
dealing with students of the district and their situations. This is why they had so many
teachers quit because they were never informed or brief about the environment
(organization behavior, pg. 286). Building a Coalition-4 Possible primary solutions for this situation, problem solving teams to address
truancy solutions. Allocation of roles for the team members to ensure that all students
that need transportation gets it. Because this well may be the case why there’s a high rate
of truancy.
Self -managed work team and cross-functional teams put in place to assist the school
district of Washington DC. By adding diversity to the Woodson organization which was
predominately white. This team should work in cross-reference with the principal and
school board to ensure higher performance out of their students. We could never deviate
from crime because it exist everywhere (organization behavior, pg. 311).
A good strategy would be putting common plans and its purpose on the table for
team members and parents. How do we address and implement these strategies. First,
let’s analyze the team’s mission then develop certain goals and achieve these goals
through strategic planning. Next, evaluate team efficiency that they are implementing
these strategies. The pros and cons of this will the team get burn out again and quit or will their outcomes become successful in a short period if they implement the right strategies.
Surely we know due to most students’ social economic background we can limited how
much resources are available but as we know in some cases they do still achieve success
(organization behavior, pg. 321). Building a Coalition-5 My reflection : What would I advise as a strategy for managing diversity issues
for program leaders? Teams need to be set up to address all the situations. First, let’s
address the overall truancy problem. What can we do to ensure students are in school on
time.Next, what resources are available for all our teams to work effectively. Help reduce
stress levels within the organization. My overall experience working in the school system
was similar. If there’s not good team leaders who understand the social economic status
of every individual then student performance will be low.
The overall key to success is connecting with your students and assessing their
situation. Bring new ideals and strategies to board meeting within district. Understand
that you’re not along, that you belong to a team of experts. Always communicate with
other team members. Building a Coalition-6 References :
Organization Behavior ,Fifteen Edition (2013): Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy
A. Judge


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