calculate the projects expected NPV, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation


Huang Industries is considering a proposed project whose estimated NPV is $12 million. this estimate assumes that exonomic conditions will be “average.” however, the CFO realizes that conditions could be better or worse, so she performed a scenario analysis and obtained these results:

economic scenario Probability of outcome NPV
recession 0.05 ($86 million)
below average 0.2.0 (14 million)
average 0.50 12 million
above average 0.20 24 million
boom 0.05 32 million

calculate the projects expected NPV, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation



expected NPV…sum all (probability of scenario * NPV if that scenario)

= 5.3 mil

Working notes for the above answer  is as under

Prbabelity NPV  
(A) (B) (A*B)
0.05 -86 -4.3
0.2 -14 -2.8
0.5 12 6
0.2 24 4.8
0.05 32 1.6
1   5.3


So NPV = 5.3 Million


std dev is sq rt of variance
variance = for each economic scenario…(NPV for that scenario – 5.3mil)^2 * probability of that scenario…then sum all


Prbabelity NPV NPV of
(A) (B) (  C) D = (B-C) Square
of D
0.05 -86 5.3 -91.3 8335.69 416.7845
0.2 -14 5.3 -19.3 372.49 74.498
0.5 12 5.3 6.7 44.89 22.445
0.2 24 5.3 18.7 349.69 69.938
0.05 32 5.3 26.7 712.89 35.6445


= 619.31,… sq rt (std dev)

= 24.8859
coeff of variation

= std dev / expected value

= 24.8859 / 5.3

= 4.6395

CV =4.695


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