Compare and contrast CAPM and APT: What are the different assumptions, implications, and methodologies? What is the definition of a diversified portfolio under CAPM and APT?


Compare and contrast CAPM and APT:

What are the different assumptions, implications, and methodologies?

What is the definition of a diversified portfolio under CAPM and APT?




Formulla ra = rrf + Ba (rm – rrt) E(rj) = rf + bj1RP1 +bj2 RP2
assumptions Assets are dividable Investors tend towards risk aversion
  no transaction costs (e.g. taxes) returns will follow the above equation
  Investors will maximise their expected utility Short sales are not restricted
  There is a homogeneity of beliefs All investors think alike.
  The calculations are on a single time period There are no transaction costs
  All assets are marketable  
  There are no restrictions to investment in assets  
Issue behinf theory linearity of the equation used to calculate the CAPM but CAPM calculations do not match empirical results  the macroeconomic environment in general, and how likely it is that the environment might influence the movement of the asset (
  CAPM assumes that there is a linear relationship between the assets there is a linear relationship between risk factors


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