Create a table comparing and contrasting the basic elements of cash and accrual accounting.How do the methods compare? How are they different? What are the strengths of each method? What are the weaknesses of each method? Include a column in your table to address each of the following: comparison, contrasts, strengths, and weaknesses


Create a table comparing and contrasting the basic elements of cash and accrual accounting.How do the methods compare? How are they different? What are the strengths of each method? What are the weaknesses of each method? Include a column in your table to address each of the following: comparison, contrasts, strengths, and weaknesses



Cash Bases of Accouting Accrual Bases of Accouting
When Revenue Recorded Under the cash basis of accounting revenues
are recorded in the financial statement in the period in which the cash is received from customers
Under the accrual basis of accounting revenues  are recorded in the financial statement when they are earned and generally  often occurs before
When Expanses recorded Under the cash basis of accounting revenues
are recorded in the financial statement in the period in which the cash is paid
Under the accrual basis of accounting revenues  are recorded in the financial statement when expanses are occur or when they expire
Who provide better Picture Cash  Basis of Accouting do provide as true income or liability picture of the company during the particular period as accrual basis gives Generally Accrual Basis of Accouting provide better picture of the company during the particular period
availability of the method for use This method is available for the use if a company has not more than $5 million of sales per year This method is used by all large company for many reasons
tax reporting When sales does not exceed $5 million, this method can be used When sales exceed $5 million ,this method is compulsory to use
weaknesses or strengths The main weakness of this method is that ,it does not provide true profitability during the period because revenues and expenses are recorded when they are actually received or paid The main strengths of this method is that ,it  provide true profitability during the period because revenues and expenses are recorded  when they are occur


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