Define and discuss recruitment, employee testing, orientation, training, Career development, work life balance, retention and turnover.


Define and discuss recruitment, employee testing, orientation, training, Career development, work life balance, retention and turnover.


recruitment, employee testing, orientation, training, Career development, work life balance, retention and turnover


Let us define what is mean by recruitment. It is a process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidate for the particular job.

employee testing

employee testing means practice of administrating written oral or other test as a tool of determining the suitability or desirability of particular job


orientation means an introductory stage in the process of new employee assimilation and part of his continuous socialization process in the organiasation


training means action of teaching an employee a particular skill or type of behavior.It cold be following

Physical training

On job training

Religion and spirituality

Artificial-intelligence feedback

Career development

Career development means it is a lifelong process of managing learning ,work, leisure and transition in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving proffered future

work life balance

work life balance means it is a concept of including proper priorities between “work” and “life style” (leisure, family and spiritual, health ,pleasure ,Development)

retention and turnover

turnover means the proportion of employee who leave the organization over set of period

Retention means the extent to which an employer retains its employee and may be meared as the proportion of employees with the specific length of services

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