Finance charge is 1formula169.mml on average daily balance. Average daily balance $ Finance charge


Calculate the average daily balance and finance charge. (Round your answers to the nearest cent.)

30-day billing cycle
9/16   Billing date Previous balance $ 2,000
9/19   Payment $     60 cr.
9/30   Charge: Home Depot 1,500
10/3   Payment     60 cr.
10/7   Cash advance     70
Finance charge is 1formula169.mml on average daily balance.

  Average daily balance $
  Finance charge $

answer :

Average daily balance $ 4191
Finance charge $ 2.1

Working notes for the above answer is as under

To calculate your average daily balance you must total your balance from each day in the billing cycle (even the day’s that your balance didn’t change) and divide the total by the number of days in the cycle.

(Day 1 Balance + Day 2 Balance + Day 3 Balance…) / number of days in billing cycle

Month Date Balance
9 16 2000
9 17 2000
9 18 2000
9 19 1940
9 20 1940
9 21 1940
9 22 1940
9 23 1940
9 24 1940
9 25 1940
9 26 1940
9 27 1940
9 28 1940
9 29 1940
9 30 3440
10 1 4940
10 2 6440
10 3 6380
10 4 6380
10 5 6380
10 6 6380
10 7 6450
10 8 6450
10 9 6450
10 10 6450
10 11 6450
10 12 6450
10 13 6450
10 14 6450
10 15 6450

Avg daily balance= $ 125730/30 days

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