For each of the following methods of allocating joint costs, give a positive or a negative aspect of selecting each one to allocate joint costs.


For each of the following methods of allocating joint costs, give a positive or a negative aspect of selecting each one to allocate joint costs.

  1. Sales value at splitoff
  2. Estimated net realizable value method
  3. The constant gross margin method
  4. A physical measure such as volume



  1. Positive: Costs are allocated to products in proportion to their potential revenues. This is a fairly simple method to implement.

Negative: We use the sales value of the entire production of the accounting period.


  1. Positive: Can be used when the market prices of the products are not known or available.

Negative: Can be very complex in operations with multiple products and multiple splitoff points.


  1. Positive: Account is taken of the profits earned either before or after the splitoff point when allocating the joint costs.

Negative: The assumption that all have the same ratio of cost to sales value. This is likely not true.


  1. Positive: Fairly simple

Negative: Has no relationship to the revenue-producing power of individual products.

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