Highlight two companies within the same industry; one with above average customer service and the other with status quo or poor customer service and try to identify the business orientation and what if any CRM is being used operationally for each.


Highlight two companies within the same industry; one with above average customer service and the other with status quo or poor customer service and try to identify the business orientation and what if any CRM is being used operationally for each.


There ar two main industries that are highly concentrated on Customer relation ship Management and they are Tourism and hospitality industry.

let we take one example of good CRM. According to the research By Peat Marwick McClintock Four Seasons in an oddity ,Because of most hotel firms put impahaisis on goal of profitability .The small hotel company Four season has wan international reputation for customer Service. The CEO of Four Season has said that The companies Top priority is to satisfied the customer

Customer service in appreciation in Zimbave is more then poor and disturbing .Globally this country is known for its hospitality but this accolade is being threatened by taken -it -or-Leave -it attitude that is rapidly Creeping in to many organization . Such attitude will not carry the economy at any =where in the world

As we all know that customer service is not   negotiable

identify the business orientation and what if any CRM is being used operationally for each.

CRM is the very essential part of the modern business environment and to have successful CRM business uses following three

  • mutually satisfying goals between organization and customers
  • To establish and maintain customer rapport
  • produce positive feelings in the organization and the customers

CRM can highly impact the organization ,

  • It will shifting the focus from product to customer
  • highlighting competencies required for an effective CRM process
  • streamlining the offer to what the customer requires, not want the organization can make

CRM Basically Focused on

  • What exactly do our customers want and need?’ and
  • ‘what do we need to do to be able to produce and deliver it to our custom

By fulfilling customer need with good CRM many organizations have relationships with customers should be ongoing, cooperative, and built for the long term.

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