I’m currently creating an amortization table in excel, it can currently calculate balloon payment and full amortization. I still need to calculate interest only(bullet) loan, interest only periods within a fully or balloon amortizing loan, and yield with or without closing costs. I want to know the exact formula for excel. Thanks in advance.


I’m currently creating an amortization table in excel, it can currently calculate balloon payment and full amortization. I still need to calculate interest only(bullet) loan, interest only periods within a fully or balloon amortizing loan, and yield with or without closing costs. I want to know the exact formula for excel. Thanks in advance.


Follow this mention steps to create amortisation table inexcel


First of all launch microsoft excel and open NEW spread sheet


Create the following label in the excel

Interest rate


Fill the information in the column B

As follow

Loan 2000
Interest rate 10%
Months 12


Now you need to calculate your payment in cell B4 by typing ” =ROUND(PMT($B$2/12,$B$3,-$B$1,0), 2)” into the formula bar without the quotation marks and pressing the Enter key.

The dollar signs that are in the formula are absolute references to make sure the formula will always look to those specific cells, even if it is copied elsewhere into the worksheet. The interest rate should be divided by 12 months because annual rate is calculated monthly. For example, if your loan is for $150,000 at 6. percent interest for 30 years (360 months), your loan payment will calculate out to $899.33.


Now you should label the colum from cell A7 across to H7 as under

A7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 G7 H7
Period Beginig
Payment Prinxipal Interest Cumulative


Now the step is to populate the period column

you should enter the month and year of the first loan payment in cell A8. You may need to format the column to show the month and year correctly. Now select the cell, click and drag down to fill the column to cell A367. Make sure the Auto Fill Option is set to “Fill Months.”


Now you should complete the other entries in the cell B8 to H8

Key the beginning balance of your loan into cell B8.In cell C8, type “=$B$4” and press “Enter.”In cell E8, create a formula to calculate the loan interest amount on the beginning balance for that period. The formula will look like “=ROUND($B8*($B$2/12), 2)”. The single dollar sign creates a relative reference. The formula will look for the appropriate cell in the B column.In cell D8, subtract the loan interest amount in cell E8 from the total payment in C8. Use relative references so this cell will copy correctly. The formula will look like ” =$C8-$E8.”In cell H8, create a formula to subtract the principal portion of the payment from the beginning balance for that period. The formula will look like ” =$B8-$D8.”

8 Now you should continue the schedule by creating the following entries in cells B9 through H9.

Cell B9 should include a relative reference to the ending balance of the prior period. Type “=$H8″ in the cell and press the Enter key. Copy cells C8, D8 and E8 and paste them into C9, D9 and E9. Copy cell H8 and paste it into H9. This is where the relative reference becomes helpful.In cell F9, create a formula to tabulate cumulative principal paid. The formula will look like this: ” =$D9+$F8.” Do the same for the cumulative interest cell in G9 which will look like this: ” =$E9+$G8.”


The last step is to complete the amortisation Tabel

You should Highlight cells B9 through H9, mouse over the bottom right corner of the selection to receive a crosshair cursor and then click and drag the selection down to row 367. Release the mouse button. And make sure the Auto Fill Option is set to “Copy Cells” and that the final ending balance is $0.00.

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