iven your answer in the last question and that you want to use the payback rule with a cutoff period of 3 years, would you accept the project? a) Accept b) Reject


consider a project with $150,000 initial cost (year 0), cash inflows of $45,200 per year for 5 years (end of each year), and a discount rate of 10%. What is the (straight) payback period?

  1. a) 3.7 years b) 3.3 years c) 3 years d) 4.2 years

#4 Given your answer in the last question and that you want to use the payback rule with a cutoff period of 3 years, would you accept the project?

  1. a) Accept b) Reject

 #5 What is the discounted payback period if the opportunity cost of capital (OCC) is 10%?

  1. a) 3 years b) 3.3 years c) 3.7 years d) 4.2 years  

#6 What’s the profitability index of the project in the previous question, if the opportunity cost of capital is 10%?

  1. a) 0.21 b) 0.14 c) 0.12 d) 0.18


We have been provided with the information as follow

Initial Cost 150,000
Cash inflow for 5 year 42500
Discount Rate rate 10


Now we will calculate NPV as follow

Year Cash
Pv Factor
0 -150,000 1 -150000
1 42500 0.909091 38636.36
2 42500 0.826446 35123.97
3 42500 0.751315 31930.88
4 42500 0.683013 29028.07
5 42500 0.620921 26389.16

Since NPV = $ 11,108.44 accept the project

Answer 4 : a) Accept

Payback period is as follow

Year Cash
Cash Flow
0 -150,000 -150,000
1 42500 -107,500
2 42500 -65,000
3 42500 -22,500
4 42500 20,000
5 42500 62,500


In the 4 th year company receive 42500 but he needs only 22500 to recover so days will be calculated as follow


=0.7 year

Payback period = 3.7 yaers

Now we will calculate discounted Payback as follow


Year Cash
Pv Factor
0 -150,000 1 -150000 -150,000
1 42500 0.909090909 38636.36 -111,364
2 42500 0.826446281 35123.97 -76,240
3 42500 0.751314801 31930.88 -44,309
4 42500 0.683013455 29028.07 -15,281
5 42500 0.620921323 26389.16 11,108

In the  5th year company receive 26389.16 but he needs only 15,281 to recover so days will be calculated as follow



Payback period = 4.2 years


Prfitabelity Index = PV of future cash Flow / Initial Investment

=11,108 /150,000





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