Required: What is their marginal tax rate for purposes of making this decision? What is the possible tax savings if they buy the house?


Julie and Gus are married and have no children. They expect to have $180,000 of taxable income in the next year and are considering whether to purchase a house that would provide itemized deductions of $110,000 from mortgage interest and property taxes.


What is their marginal tax rate for purposes of making this decision?

What is the possible tax savings if they buy the house?


Julie and Gus expect to have $180,000 of taxable income in the next year

They are considering whether to purchase a house that would provide itemized deductions of $110,000 from mortgage interest and property taxes.

The marginal tax rate is the percentage of tax applied to your income for each Tax brackate in which you qualify. In essence, the marginal tax rate is the percentage taken from your next dollar of Taxable income above a pre-defined income threshold.

What is their marginal tax rate for purposes of making this decision?

Marginalk Tax will be calculated as folllow

Marginal tax for the year 2016

Rate Married Joint Filers
10% $0 to $18,550
15% $18,550 to $75,300
25% $75,300 to $151,900
28% $151,900 to $231,450

For 1,80,000 Income

Particular Amount In$
Income 180000
Standard Deduction 12600
Balnce 167400
Iteamised Deduction 110000
10% $0 to $18,550 1855
15% $18,550 to $57400 5827.5
Total Tax 7682.5

Tax saving if choose an option

0.1 $0 to $18,550 1855
0.15 $18,550 to $75,300 8512.5
0.15 $18,550 to $57400 5827.5
0.25 $75,300 to $151,900 19150
0.28 $151,900 to $231,450 3875
Total Tax              (A) 39220
tax if choose an option
0.1 $0 to $18,550 1855
0.15 $18,550 to $57400 5827.5
                                   (B) 7682.5
Tax Savind (A-B) 31537.5
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