SW0T analysis is a useful tool for:


1.    SW0T analysis is a useful tool for:

a. Evaluating the performance of an organization

b. Identifying the organization’s critical success factors

c. Developing the organization’s strategy map

d. Developing the organization’s value chain

2.    The balanced scorecard is related to the strategy map in a similar way as:

a. The value chain is related to product differentiation

b SWOT analysis is related to execution

c. The organization’s key activities are related to the value chain

d. Sustainability can be related to financial reporting

3.    A company taking a strategic and customer-centered point of view can best address

sustainability, a concern for environmental and social as well as economic performance,


a. Annual financial reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission

b. The use of a sustainability perspective in the balanced scorecard

c. Reporting violations of company policy to the proper authorities

d. Lobbying in Congress for stronger environmental regulations


4.    The implementation of the balanced scorecard (BSC) can involve all of the following except

a.The strong support of top management

b. An effective value chain

c. A link to reward and compensation systems

d. An accurate reflection of the organization’s strategy

5.    What does it mean for the balanced scorecard to “reflect strategy?”

a. One should be able to infer an organization’s strategy from the balanced scorecard.

b. The management accountant develops the balanced scorecard prior to developing a


c. The balanced scorecard is one of the key methods for implementing strategy.

d. You cannot have an effective strategy without an effective balanced scorecard

6.    Opportunities and threats in Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis

can be identified most readily by:

a. Using value-chain analysis

b. Analyzing the industry and the organization’s competitors

c. Analyzing the organization’s critical success factors

d. Using the strategy map


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