Using this information, prepare a budget for May stating the total amount for the May budget. Assume the budget will increase to 24,500 jars of sauce reflecting anticipated sales increase related to a new marketing campaign


Mama Italiano Sauce is in the process of preparing a production cost budget for May. The actual costs in April were:

Mama Italian Sauce
Production Cost Budget
April 2008
Production – Jars of sauce 20,000
Ingredient cost (variable) $16,000
Labor cost (variable) 9,000
Rent (fixed) 4,000
Depreciation (fixed) 6,000
Other (fixed) 1,000
Total $36,000

Using this information, prepare a budget for May stating the total amount for the May budget. Assume the budget will increase to 24,500 jars of sauce reflecting anticipated sales increase related to a new marketing campaign

Production Cost Budget
Production – Jars of sauce 20000 Units Cost Per Unit 24500 Units
Ingredient cost (variable) 16000 0.8 19600
Labor cost (variable) 9000 0.45 11025
Rent (fixed) 4000 4000
Depreciation (fixed) 6000 6000
Other (fixed) 1000 1000
Total 36000 41625
Total Budget =$ 41625
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