Wendy is 20 years old, single, and a U.S. citizen with a valid Social Security number. On Wendy’s Intake and Interview sheet, she answered “Unsure” to the question, “Can anyone claim you or your spouse on their tax return?” During the interview with Wendy, you determine the following facts: Wendy was a full-time student during 2015. Her only income was $6,500 in wages. She lived with her parents all year, but they told her they will not claim her on their 2015 return. Wendy’s parents are required to file a return. Wendy does not provide more than half of her own support. 1. Wendy can claim one personal exemption on her 2015 tax return.


Wendy is 20 years old, single, and a U.S. citizen with a valid Social Security number. On Wendy’s Intake and Interview sheet, she answered “Unsure” to the question, “Can anyone claim you or your spouse on their tax return?” During the interview with Wendy, you determine the following facts: Wendy was a full-time student during 2015. Her only income was $6,500 in wages. She lived with her parents all year, but they told her they will not claim her on their 2015 return. Wendy’s parents are required to file a return. Wendy does not provide more than half of her own support. 1. Wendy can claim one personal exemption on her 2015 tax return.


Answer :

Wendy must claim 0 exemptions on her 2015 tax returns, because her parents can claim her as a dependent on their tax return. So wendy can claim 0 exemption

Using Publication 4012,Wendy required to file a taxreturn. Wendy has filling requirement and she must file return

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