What amounts would be reported as the cost of goods sold and ending inventory balances for the period?


ansfield Company has a periodic inventory system and uses the LIFO method to assign costs to inventory and cost of goods sold. Consider the following information:

Date Description # of units Cost per unit
January 1 Beginning inventory 100 $5
October 2 Purchase 75 $4
December 5 Sales 125

What amounts would be reported as the cost of goods sold and ending inventory balances for the period?

a. Cost of goods sold $625; Ending inventory $175
b. Cost of goods sold $755; Ending inventory $225
c. Cost of goods sold $550; Ending inventory $250
d. Cost of goods sold $600; Ending inventory $200

Answer :amounts would be reported as the cost of goods sold and ending inventory balances for the period is

c. Cost of goods sold $550; Ending inventory $250

Working notes for the above answer

Calculation for amounts would be reported as the cost of goods sold for the period is as follow

In LIFO method we record invetory as Last in First Ount (L.I.F.O.) so we record coost of goods sold as follow

December 5 Sales 125

Description Amount in $ Amount In $
Octomber 2 Purchase 75 300
Opeaning 50 250
Total 125 550

So Cost of goods sold is 550

Calculation for amounts would be reported as the cost of goods sold and ending inventory balances for the period is as follow

Description Amount in $ Amount In $
Opeaning 100 500
Sold out 50 250
Remaining 50 250

As per LIFO method costs to inventory ois $ 250

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