What are some of the differences in elements in the IASB and FASB conceptual frameworks


What are some of the differences in elements in the IASB and FASB conceptual frameworks


differences in elements in the IASB and FASB conceptual frameworks are as follow

The framework of  IASB has  broader purpose than  framework of FASB.

The purpose for assisting  IASB in the  developing or  accounting standards  revising is one, but not only that, purpose of  framework. The framework of  IASB also has other purposes, like  including assisting preparers,  users of financial statements  and auditors. THe conceptual framework FASB places less emphasis on the other purposes.

This difference in both framework  purpose couls also be reflected in  difference in status of  frameworks.

The  framework IASB resides at  the higher level in  GAAP hierarchy than what does  FASB framework in the US GAAP hierarchy.

For those entities which  preparing financial statements under the IFRS, management is expressly required for consideration of the IASB framework if  no standard or interpretation is specifically applicable

Under the U.S. GAAP, FASB Concepts Statements is to be ranked no higher than  the accounting textbooks, art and  handbooks.

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