What is the cost benefit analysis of getting your masters degree? Include the opportunity cost of pursuing the degree as well as the accounting costs like books, tuition, transportation etc. Also need to discount the future value of expected raises, promotions etc.


What is the cost benefit analysis of getting your masters degree? Include the opportunity cost of pursuing the degree as well as the accounting costs like books, tuition, transportation etc. Also need to discount the future value of expected raises, promotions etc. Using data below;

Pay Do Nothing
(benefit) (cost) (benefit) (cost)
Current Salary $50,000 $40,000
Potential Salary $25,000 $10,000
Tuition $19,800 N/A
Books/Admin $2,200 N/A
Gas/Tolls $2,000 N/A
Fast Food $1,000 N/A
Total Benefit $40,000 $50,000

What is the cost benefit analysis of getting your masters degree

A Masters degree will increases your lifetime earnings, with the degree like MBA degrees and MS in Engineering .Person with having master degree  have most probably  highest payback

Include the opportunity cost of pursuing the degree as well as the accounting costs like books, tuition, transportation etc. Also need to discount the future value of expected raises, promotions etc. Using data below;

  Pay Do
  (benefit) (cost) (benefit) (cost)
Current Salary 40000   20000  
Potential Salary 80000   20000  
Tuition   19800   N/A
Books/Admin   2200   N/A
Gas/Tolls   2000   N/A
Fast Food   1000   N/A
Total 40,000 23200 0 0
Net Benefit 16800      


As you can see from the above table  you can say that your current salary is 40,000 and if you do master degree you will get 80,000 salary which is almost double .Though you have expanses like  accounting costs like books, tuition, transportation etc but all this expanses are one time and you will get life time benefit of increase in salary

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