X company is considering the purchase of a machine from among machines A and B. From the following information relating to the machines ascertain which machine will be profitable under the ARR method. The Average rate of tax is 50%


X company is considering the purchase of a machine from among machines A and B. From the following information relating to the machines ascertain which machine will be profitable under the ARR method. The Average rate of tax is 50%.

Machine A           Machine B

Cost of machine             100000                 160000

Expected life                  4 years                 6 years

Earnings after depreciation and before tax

1   20000                   16000

2   30000                   28000

3   40000                   50000

4   30000                   60000

5   nil               36000

6   nil               26000


ARR = Avg earnings     x100

Avg investment

Machine A           Machine B

Total earnings before tax                            120000                 216000

Avg earning          before tax                       30000                            36000

Avg annual earning after 50% tax    15000                            18000

Cost of machine                                100000                 160000

Avge investment                               50000                            80000

ARR                                                  15000/50000        18000/80000

= 30%                  = 22.5%

ARR for machine A is  higher. So we select machine A


  1. Easy to calculate and simple to understand
  2. Emphasis is placed on the profitability of the project and not on liquidity.
  3. The earnings over the entire life of the project is considered for ascertaining ARR.


  1. This method ignores the time value of money

II  a. Net present Value method (NPV method)

The NPV method gives consideration of the time value of money.


  1. Determine an apt rate of interest to discount cash flow.
  2. Compute the present value of cash out flow at the determined discounting rate.
  3. Compute the present value of total cash inflows (profit before depreciation and after tax), at the above determined discount rate.
  4. Subtract the present value of cash outflow from the present value of cash inflow to arrive at the net present value.
  5. If the NPV is –ve , the project proposal will be rejected. If the NPV is 0 or +ve the proposal can be accepted.
  6. If the projects are ranked, the project with the maximum NPV should be chosen

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