XYZ Ltd has got up to Rs. 60000 to invest. The following proposals are under consideration.


XYZ Ltd has got up to Rs. 60000 to invest. The following proposals are under consideration.

Project        initial outlay                  Annual cash inflow      Life in years

A       40000                                      8000                              8

B       10000                                      4000                              3

C       20000                                      8000                              5

D       24000                                      6000                              10

E       30000                                      5000                              15

F       4000                              2000                              2

G       16000                                      4000                              11

  1. Rank the projects in order of their desirability according to payback period method.
  2. Rank the project under NPV method assuming the cost of capital to be 15%
  3. Explain any inconsistencies between method (a) and (b)



Discount factor         = 1/(1+r)n

PV factor for 15% for 1st year = 1/(1+ 15/100)1 = 1 / 100+15  = 0.869


2nd year = 0.755

3rd year = 0.657

4th year = 0.571

5th year = 0.497

6th year = 0.432

7th year = 0.376

8th year = 0.326

9th year = 0.284

10th year = 0.247

11th year = 0.214

12th year = 0.187

13th year = 0.163

14th year = 0.141

15th year = 0.122

Pay back period method

     Project   initial outlay        Annual cash flow                   PBP   Rank

     A            40000                            8000                              5        4

     B            10000                            4000                              2.5     2

     C            20000                            8000                              2.5     2

     D            24000                            6000                              4        3

E            30000                            5000                              6        5

F            4000                     2000                              2        1

G            16000                            4000                              4        3



NPV Method

NPV = Total cash inflow – initial investment

Project    cash inflow   discount     PV of            Initial         NPV   Rank

                                       Factor     Cash inflow  Investment ——————         

A                8000           4.4873        35898.4      40000                   – 4102 rejected

B                 4000           2.2822        9128           10000                   – 872   rejected

C                 8000           3.3522        26817                   20000                   6817     1

D                6000           5.014          30084                   24000                   6084      2

E                 5000           5.842          29210                   30000                   -790   rejected

F                 2000           1.625          3250           4000           -750   rejected

G                4000           5.228          20912                   16000                   4912     3

  1. c) Under payback method project F is given 1st rank where as it is rejected under NPV method. Project B is given 2nd rank and it is rejected under NPV method.

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