Quality and Patient Safety By Setting For this Application Assignment, you will consider quality and patient safety efforts for a particular type of organization. Begin by selecting a health care setting identified in Week 4 of this course. Below are examples of settings: •Hospital •Assisted living •Nursing home •Palliative care/hospice •Rehabilitation center •Other setting


Quality and Patient Safety By Setting

For this Application Assignment, you will consider quality and patient safety efforts for a particular type of organization.

Begin by selecting a health care setting identified in Week 4 of this course. Below are examples of settings:

•Assisted living
•Nursing home
•Palliative care/hospice
•Rehabilitation center
•Other setting
As you review the Learning Resources for this week, consider why quality and patient safety are important for this type of organization. Also think about the key challenges regarding quality and/or patient safety for this setting. Use the Learning Resources and conduct your own research to identify and investigate three or four strategies for improving and assuring quality and patient safety that would be beneficial in this type of setting. Then research the accreditation, licensure, and/or oversight needed for this type of organization, including the processes or criteria that are used.

With this in mind, write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you:

•Identify the health care setting you have chosen
•Explain why quality and patient safety are important, particularly for this type of organization
•Identify the key challenges regarding quality and/or patient safety for this setting
•Describe three or four strategies for improving and assuring quality and patient safety in this organization, and explain why you chose these strategies
•Describe the accreditation, licensure, or oversight for this type of organization, and explain the process or criteria used
•International students may write about organizations in their country
Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


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